SSS Two Geography Objective Examination Questions

1. The lower course of a river is usually associated with the formation of
A. rapids
B. meanders
C. falls
D. ox-bow lakes
2. The middle course normally shows
A. water fall
B. levee
C. rapids
D. meanders
3. The movement and direction of ocean current are affected by the
A. rate of evaporation
B. rotation of the earth
C. volume of ocean water
D. relief of the ocean bed
4. Abrasion, attrition and deflation are processes of
A. river erosion
B. wind erosion
C. coastal erosion
D. glacial erosion
5. Which of the following is not a depositional lake?
A. flood plain
B. crate lake
C. ox-bow lake
D. barrier lake
6. Inselberg may best be described as
A. an iceberg left over
B. barge left on water
C. mountain of deposition
D. a residual will steep sides and usually exposed by denudation
7. “They are crescentic or moon shaped and occur individually or in group” the above description refers to
A. seifs
B. yardangs
C. rock pedestals
D. barchans
8. Which of the following is associated with wind deflation in arid region?
A. oasis
B. barchan
C. seifs
D. yardangs
9. Coastal erosion can be prevented by a the stabilization of sandy and muddy beaches by
A. coastal vegetation
B. the volume of water is increased
C. the removal of sandy
D. sand washed
10. Coastlines washed by cold currents normally have
A. high temperatures
B. scanty rainfall
C. excessive rainfall
D. moderate rainfall
11. Which of the following id not the method by which river transport their eroded materials
A. traction
B. attrition
C. suspension
D. solution
12. The difference between the high tide and low tide is referred to as
A. tidal gauge
B. tidal height
C. tidal range
D. tidal flow
13. koppen’s climatic classification was based on
A. rainfall only
B. temperature only
C. both rainfall and temperature
D. location
14. The climatic belts recognized by the Greek were
A. hot cold and medium
B. hot, mild and cool
C. torrid, temperate
D. mild, torrid and rigid
15. Which of the following is not a form of precipitation?
A. hail
B. dew
C. dust
D. snow
16. Which of the following climate is characterized by an alternate hot, wet season and cool dry season?
A. tropical continental
B. equatorial
C. Mediterranean
D. temperate
17. In koppen’s classification the first members of the system represents the
A. tropical
B. warm temperate
C. dry
D. polar
18. Which of the following factors least important in determining the temperature of a place? Rate of transpiration
B. amount of cloud cover
D. altitude of a place
D. location of the place
19. If left in the open, wet cloths take a longer time to dry when
A. relative humidity is high
B. pressure is low
C. humidity is average
D. temperature low
20. The energy received from the sun at a particular place is called
A. insolation
B. convection
C. conduction
D. radiation
21. All the following are found in the upper course of a river except
A. v-shaped valleys
B. ox-bow lakes
C. water fall
D. interlocking spurs
22. Mediterranean type of climate is best favoured for
A. yam cultivation
B. fruit growing
C. cotton cultivation
D. wheat production
23. Which of the following pairs are desert land forms?
A. wave-cut and seifs
B. yardangs and zeugens
C. tombolos and wave
D. glacial and dunes
24. The smallest ocean in the world is the
A. Indian ocean
B. pacific ocean
C. arctic ocean
D. Atlantic ocean
25. The dry wind that blow out of the Sahara desert towards the Southern parts of West Africa is known as
A. hurricane
B. sirocco
C. mistral
D. harmattan
26. Which of the following vegetation types is found only the Northern hemisphere?
A. tropical grassland
B. Equatorial
C. tundra
D. Mediterranean
27. Which of the following is not a feature of wave erosion?
A. Beach
B. arch
C. cliff
D. wave-cut platform
28. The principal agents in soil erosion are
A. wind and waves
B. water and wind
C. air and wind
D. water dust
29. The term watershed refers to the
A. direction of flow
B. volume of load carried by a river
C. crestlines from which two or more rivers flow in opposite direction
30. Koppen’s wet tropical (AF) type of climate is experienced in West Africa in
A. Accra
B. Dakar
C. Cape town
D. Tunis
31. Which of the following natural resources is non-renewable?
A. soil
B. vegetation
C. minerals
D. wildlife
32. Below are the uses of land resources, except
A. desertification
B. games reserve
C. agricultural activities
D. job opportunity
33. Vegetation resources can be utilized by man for all the following except
A. food
B. habitat
C. herbs
D. timber
34. A rural settlement is a type of settlement that is classified by
A. age
B. site
C. altitude
D. function
35. Which of the following forms of pollution is least hazardous to man?
A. toxic waste disposal in rivers
B. the use of chemicals for fishing
C. a sound of 50 decibels in the air
D. gas flaring
36. The principal agents in soil erosion are
A. wind and waves
B. water and wind
C. air and wind
D. water and waves
37. Which of the following will lead to deterioration of the environment?
A. afforestation
B. overgrazing
C. planting of tress
D. creation of shelter belts
38. Atmospheric resources can be used for all the following except
A. power supply
B. sifting of grains
C. housing
D. communication
39. Desert encroachment cab best be controlled by
A. erecting barriers
B. slope wise cultivation
C. over grazing
D. afforestation
40. Which of the following towns is paired with the wrong environmental hazard?
A. Kano-earthquake
B. Maiduguri-desert
C. Makurdi-flooding
D. Akure-deforestation
41. The protection of the natural environment and humans refers to as environmental
A. solution
B. protection
C. conservation
D. development
42. The pattern of settlement is also known as
A. size
B. shape
C. type
D. function
43. The substances that cause pollution in the environment are called
A. toxic
B. pollutants
C. chemicals
D. gases
44. Which among the following need NOT to be conserved
A. wild life
B. water
C. soil
D. sewage
45. One among the following is NOT an agency for conservation
A. forests departments
B. river basin development board
46. Which of the following does NOT determine the available resources in country
A. births
B. deaths
C. emigration
D. evolution
47. A major hazard to both human and aquatic life in some coastal areas of Nigeria is
A. air pollution
B. gas flaring
C. oil spillage
D. land degradation
48. Settlement can be classified according to the following except
A. main occupation of inhabitants
B. arrangement of buildings
C. numbers of people per settlement
D. type of people that live in an area
49. A settlement developed at the meeting point of roads is known as
A. port
B. junction
C. nodal
D. confluence
50. Functions of settlement are a better criterion for distinguishing between.....and......settlements
A. rural and dispersed
B. rural and urban
C. linear and urban
D. urban and compact
51. A rapid population growth in a region can be caused by
A. more deaths
B. high migration
C. improved medical care
D. family planning
52. Which of the following may not solve the problem of over-population?
A. increase in food production
B. migration
C. reduction in agricultural land
D. birth control
53. The following are all indicators of overpopulation except
A. shortage of factories
B. shortage of food
C. shortage of housing
D. mass unemployment
54. An effect of rural-urban migration on the source region is
A. rural depopulation
B. urban depopulation
C. rural employment
D. rural unemployment
55. Which among the following is NOT a primary activity of rural settlements?
A. farming
B. fishing
C. hunting
D. buying
56. Rural settlement patterns include all the following except
A. linear
B. village
C. nucleated
D. dispersed
57. A built-up area consisting of a number of towns or cities merged together get maintaining their individual identities is known as
A. municipal
B. twin city
C. city centre
D. conurbation
58. Which of the following is a disadvantage of high population density?
A. unemployment
B. migration
C. low crime rate
D. regular flow of traffic
59. The number of people living in a unit area of land is termed
A. birth rate
B. death rate
C. population ratio
D. population density
60. If a country has a population of 20,000,000 and its size is 1,000,000km2 , then its population density is
A. 5 personas/km2
B. 15 persons/km2
C. 20persons/km2
D. 30 persons/km2
61. Which of the following is the most common form of migration in developing countries?
A. Rural-rural
B. Rural Urban
C. Urban-rural
D. Urban-urban
62. Wind erosion is common in arid areas because
A. rains are widespread and long lasting.
B. wind speed is high and there are few wind breaks.
C. pressure falls below normal in desert areas.
D. the rocks are resistant to heat.
63. Which of the following features could be found in the upper course of rivers?
A. Ox-bow lakes
B. Waterfall
C. Deltas
D. Levees
64. Which of the following environmental resources is non-renewable?
A. Rain
B. Minerals
C. Water
D. Oxygen
65. The remains of eroded highlands in desert and semi-desert environments are commonly called
A. seif dunes
B. barchans
C. inselbergs
D. volcanic plug
66. The number of people living in a unit area of land is termed its
A. birth rate
B. death rate
C. dependency ratio
D. population density
67. An effect of rural-urban migration on the source region is
A. rural depopulation
B. urban depopulation
C. rural employment
D. rural unemployment
68. Most rural settlements in developing countries of Africa
A. are nucleated
B. are dispersed
C. are dense
D. have satellite towns
69. A town which is situated at a meeting point of roads is termed
A. nodal
B. port
C. confluence
D. gap
70. Which of the following environmental resources is non-renewable?
A. Rain
B. Mineral
C. Water
D. Oxygen
71. The principal agents in soil erosion are
A. wind and waves
B. water and wind
C. air and wind
D. water and dust
72. All the following are major pollutant of the environment except
A. the flaring of gas in oil wells
B. oil spillage
C. industrial waste products
D. domestic cooking
73. When two separate towns grow and merge into one, the new settlement formed is called a
A. conurbation
B. megalopolis
C. metropolis
D. satellite town
74. Vegetation resources can be utilized by man for all the following except
A. food
B. habitat
C. timber
D. medicine
75. Atmosphere resources can be used for all the following except
A. power supply
B. sifting of grains
C. housing
D. ommunication
76. Urban population growth problems include all the following except
A. Birth control
B. Unemployment
C. Poor housing
D. Insufficient food supply
77. Which of the following activities will lead to deterioration of the environment?
A. Over grazing
B. Afforestation
C. Contour ploughing
D. Planting of trees
78. Atmospheric resources can be used for all following except
A. power supply
B. housing
C. communication
D. sifting of grains
79. Environmental controls include all the following Except
A. Afforestation
B. Preservation
C. Conservation
D. Degradation
80. One effect of rural-urban migration on the source region is
A. rapid urbanization
B. intensive pressure on land-use in rural areas
C. rural depopulation
D. urban depopulation


  1. How can I get the answers to all this questions?

    1. I need answer to the above questions


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