Information Transmission


Definition of Information Transmission

Information Transmission is the process of sending out processed data from one person or place to another in a meaningful form through a communication medium.

Methods of Information Transmision

There are two methods of transmitting information, namely:
A. Ancient Method of Information Transmission
B. Modern Method of Information Transmission

Ancient Methods of Transmitting Information

These are the methods used by our forefathers before the development of modern technology in passing on information .
They include the following:
a. Oral (Face to Face) Communication
This is a method whereby the sender (informant) meets with the receiver (recipient) face-to-face to pass information across.
b. Beating Drums
Drum beating is another way of transmitting information from the sender to the receiver. Drums are used to informing the Villagers of certain invents such as hunting, farming, death announcements etc. Every event has its unique tune that the villagers can understand.
c. Smoke Signals

This method is used to pass information by bush burning to alert the people in the environment of the incoming danger.
d. Making representation
Information could be sent from one village to another with the use of representation. E.g. tying a cutlass with a red cloth will inform the receiver that something bad is coming if proper attention is not taken.
e. Town Crier

Information is transmitted by the town crier by shouting the information repeatedly around the town.
f. Drawing diagrams
The diagram will be drawn on the walls or the backs of trees. The messages are always understood by the person it was made for.
g. Carrier pigeons: These are specially trained pigeons that were used to transmit messages over long distances. They can fly back to their home loft, even if they were released in a foreign location. This method was especially useful for military purposes.

Advantages of Ancient Methods of Transmitting Information

i. Simple and inexpensive: These methods do not require any sophisticated technology, so they are relatively simple and inexpensive to use.
ii. Reliable: They can be used in areas with poor reception or where there is no electricity.
iii. Secure: They are less likely to be intercepted or hacked.
iv. Flexible: It can be used in areas with no infrastructure.

Disadvantages of Ancient Methods of Transmitting Information

i. These methods are much slower than modern methods.
ii. They cannot be used to transmit information over long distances.
iii. These methods are more prone to errors than modern methods, as they rely on human interpretation.

Modern Methods of Transmitting Information

With the development in technology, it is now possible to pass information straight to the audience. Ancient means of communication have been replaced by more efficient modern ones. Modern means of transmitting information include:
a. Writing
Instead of making marks or using objects to communicate, in modern times, information can be transmitted by writing, which is done either by hand or by using machines such as computers or typewriters.
b. Printing Machine
Printed materials are just like typewritten ones. Printing allows the mass production of informative materials that could be spread far and wide e.g. production of invitation cards, handbills newspapers etc.
c. Radio
Voice information is broadcast to a group of people in a geographical location at the same time within a few minutes.
d. Television
This is used to broadcast information in form of both voice and pictures to people in a different locations.
e. Internet
This means international network, information, in this case, is globally broadcast to the whole world for those that have an interest in updating themselves.
f. Fax
This transmit text and graphic messages from one location to the other, it might be within the country or outside the country with the use of a series of numbers called fax number.
g. Telephone
Telephone allows people’s voices to be transmitted over long or short distances.
h. Telex
A telex machine is used to transmit textual information from one person to another usually over a long distance.
i. Satellite
A satellite is an object which has been placed into orbit by human endeavour in other to improve sending radio, telephone and internet signals to any part of the world. Such objects are sometimes called artificial satellites to distinguish them from natural satellites such as the moon.
j. GSM
GSM means Global System for Mobile Communication. We use this to send and receive phone calls. One benefit of a GSM phone is the addition of a SIM card or Subscriber Identification Module.

Advantages of Modern Methods of information Transmission

i. Information can be transmitted much faster than ancient methods.
ii. It is not limited by distance.
iii. They are less prone to errors.
iv. Information can be transmitted in many ways

Disadvantages of Modern Methods of information Transmission

i. These methods require more complex and sophisticated technology.
ii. They are more expensive to use than ancient methods.
iii. Vulnerable to attack
iv. They can be addictive

Means of Information Transmission

There are two means of transmitting information
i. Electronic Means of Information Transmission: As the name implies, it relies on electrical signals to convey information.

Examples of Electronic Means of Transmitting Information

They include
ii. Non-Electronic Means of Transmitting information
The means do not require electrical signals for information to be transmitted.

Examples of non-electronics means of transmitting information

They include:
Beating of drums
Fire lighting
Drawing diagrams
Making representation

Modes of Receiving Information

Messages can be received by three major ways. These include:
i. Audio
ii. Visual
iii. Audio-visual
Audio: This is a mode of communication where data are received via sound or voice without seeing the pictures. E.g. through Radio, Telephone, Beating of drums, Town crying (except the town crier is closer) etc
Visual: This is a mode of receiving information through prints or pictures alone without sound or voice e.g. prints, Drawings, Computer printers, Telex, fax machines etc
Audio-visual: This is a mode of receiving information in both visual and audio form; i.e. both hearing sound and voice, and seeing pictures. E.g. Television, Oral, etc


  1. Great job God will bless your sir.

  2. Sir what of advantages of modern method of information transmission, at least five.

  3. Sir what of advantages of modern method of information transmission, at least five.

  4. Sir what of advantages of modern method of information transmission, at least five.

    1. 1)Modern means of communication is faster and more reliable.

      2) More informantion can be transmitted for longer periods of time

      3) sharing information is easier through modern means

      4) Distance is merely a factor when modern means of transmission are used

      5) Infromation can be found in a matter of seconds on the internet

  5. Sir examples of audio of audio mode of transmission at least five.

  6. A very nice and precise work.

  7. Is sign part of modern or ancient means of transmitting information explain

  8. Sir pls the steps

  9. Sir please I need the steps of information transmission

  10. Please benefits of information transmission

  11. Pls process of information transmission

  12. Sir what about importance of information transmission


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