Civic Education OBJ questions for SSS Two
Civic Education objective questions for SSS Two
1. A person can become a citizen of a state through the following except.
A. by naturalization
B. by birth
C. by registration
D. by participation
2. The system of government in which the means of production and distribution is left in the hands of private individuals is called?
A. capitalist
B. socialism
C. socialist democracy
D. feudalism
3. The list of programmes a political party wishes to carry out if it is being elected in an election is called?
A. a projection
B. a political manifesto
C. a campaign list
D. political education
4. The condition of lack of want which prevent a person from meeting his/her basic needs is called?
A. hunger
B. poverty
C. opulent
D. employment
5. The lack of interest or enthusiasm about political issues, defines
A. political apathy
B. political appetite
C. political education
D. political truancy
6. Which of the following is not a characteristic of capitalist democracy
A. free trade
B. market economy
C. profit motivation
D. collective ownership
7. Which of the following is an avenue through which political parties compete for power?
A. through strike action
B. through campaign
C. through project
D. by political education
8. Which of the following options is not an effect of poverty in the society
A. increased social vices
B. electoral violence
C. poor standard of living
D. good standard of living
9. Political apathy can be expressed in the following forms except
A. by refusing to register as a voter
B. by refusing to vote
C. by refusing to protest against rigging
D. by refusing to belong to social clubs
10. A citizen of a state enjoys all the following rights except?
A. right to freedom of movement
B. the right to freedom of expression
C. the right to freedom of religion
D. the right to command
11. One of these is a consequence of poverty.
A. corruption
B. crime
C. nepotism
D. political power
12. Government makes laws that will restrict a free market or enterprise in capitalist democracy.
A. yes
B. no
C. all of the above
D. none of the above
13. All of these are ways of fighting political apathy except?
A. political education
B. political tolerance
C. knowing and defending our right
D. none participation in elections
14. All of these are reasons why people do not participate in politics except.
A. literacy
B. violence
C. discrimination
D. bad government
15. An association which is established for the purpose of canvassing for votes for any candidate at any election is ;
A. pressure group
B. civil society
C. political party
D. electoral commission
16. _____ is one of the important of employment in poverty alleviation
A. no hunger, no poor feeding
B. lack of political participation
C. corruption
D. dependence
17. The government must take steps in order to alleviate poverty
A. yes
B. no
C. all of the above
D. none of the above
18. Popular participation in politics can be achieved through the following except
A. by avoiding money politics
B. provision of security
C. encouragement
D. discourage
19. If there must be poverty alleviation, the government must do the following except
A. provide conducive atmosphere for popular participation in business
B. ensuring the protection of properties
C. provide good educational facilities
D. should restrict trade and investment.
20. Which of the following cannot cause poverty?
A. Family background
B. lack of credit facilities
C. inadequate physical asset like land and capital
D. inadequate access to markets where product are sold.
21. ----- is a person who supports the principle of capitalism.
A. capitalist
B. socialist
C. voters
D. traitor
22. Capitalist democracy ensures a good society rather than ----
A. administrative or decision making convenience
B. sharing resources (c ) concentration of power in one arm of government
23. A phrase coined to express what a political party stands for is called---
A. slang
B. slogan
C. speech
D. agenda
24. A leader who wants to succeed in leading the followers and doing the right thing must be----
A. lazy
B. focused
C. weak
D. rude
25. Popular organization also means----
A. political party
B. local government
C. state government
D. labour union
26. The followings are necessary for preservation of our traditions, customs and beliefs in Nigeria except
A. greeting
B. marriage
C. language
D. ethnicity
27. One of the ways to make Nigeria unite is to----
A. promote religious intolerance
B. avoid ethnic consciousness
C. be unpatriotic
D. promote religious crises
28. When citizens enjoy certain rights from the state, they also owe the state some ---- in appreciation of the rights being enjoyed
A. monies
B. benefits
C. duties and obligations
D. none
29. An --- is not regarded as the citizen of a country.
A. man
B. woman
C. alien
D. migrant
30. Why people refuse to participate in can attributed to----
A. unfulfilled political promises
B. good governance
C. weak judiciary
D. lack of contestant
31. The process of enabling someone to perform an action which add value to his/her life is known as
A. employment
B. recruitment
C. socialization
D. empowerment
32. Rates are collected in Nigeria by
A. federal Inland Revenue Service
B. State Ministry of Finance
C. Local Government Councils
D. Council Traditional Rulers
33. Lack of interest in politics by citizens in the country is referred to as political
A. ignorance
B. apathy
C. participation
D. socialization
34. Which of the following instrument is used by civil service
A. propaganda
B. boycott
C. protest
D. violence
35. ‘’we the people of the Federal Republic of Nigeria ‘’ is usually the opening phrase of the preamble to
A. coup announcement
B. government gazettes
C. constitution
D. hansard
36. One of the responsibility of a good citizen is to
A. posses an international passport
B. enjoy all amenities provided by government
C. serve the country when required
D. develop his potentialities to the fullest
37. Citizenship education influences an individual to be
A. patriotic
B. educated
C. complacent
D. competent
38. Which of the following is not an example of orderliness
A. listening skill
B. driving skill
C. decorum
D. deviance
39. Cultism can best be discouraged through
A. mentoring of cultists by the rich
B. provision of jobs for cultists
C. sensitization on dangers of cultism
D. establishment of cultist support group
40. Which of the following is a consequence of drug abuse?
A. depression
B. victimization
C. inefficiency
D. cowardice
41. The effect of human trafficking on the victims is
A. illiteracy
B. affluence
C. exposure
D. exploitation
42. Drug abuse can be prevented by
A. fighting drug addicts
B. poverty reduction
C. reducing drugs in circulation
D. legal action
43. A major factor responsible for human trafficking is
A. hunger
B. illiteracy
C. greed
D. joblessness
44. Cult members are particularly hostile to
A. lecturers
B. perceived enemies
C. their group members
D. all students
45. Drug law enforcement agencies in Nigeria are not empowered to
A. execute group suspects
B. arrest drug barons
C. prosecute drug traffickers
D. rehabilitate drug addicts
46. Youth empowerment promotes
A. self-reliance
B. youthful exuberance
C. pursuit of higher education
D. foreign scholarship
47. The supreme court of Nigeria helps in law
A. drafting
B. application
C. interpretation
D. enforcement
48. Democracy thrives most where there is
A. non partisan judiciary
B. freedom of speech and association
C. absence of universal suffrage
D. one party system
49. Rule of law is limited by the following except
A. state of emergence
B. heabas corpus
C. illiteracy
D. immunity
50. Preventive measures of HIV/AIDS do not include
A. abstinence
B. screening blood before transfusion
C. use of barrier methods
D. stigmatization of victims
51. One of the reasons leaders fail to protect the interest of their followers
A. selfishness
B. inadequate finance
C. ignorance
D. rigid policies
52. Which of the following is not a form of political participation?
A. taking part of voters’ registration exercise
B. voting during election
C. joining political party
D. ballot box stuffing during election
53. Civil society groups perform the following roles during general elections except
A. educating the voters
B. serving as watch dog
C. counting votes
D. stimulating participation
54. Which of the following is not an example of civil society
A. United Action for Democracy
B. United Nations Organization
C. Transition Monitoring Group
D. Amnesty International
55. One of the major complaints against public service is
A. inefficiency
B. understaffing
C. victimization
D. discrimination
56. Which of the following is a way of improving public service?
A. Politicization
B. Refresher courses
C. The use of Code of Conduct Bureau
D. Reformation
57. Children that are not cared for are mostly prone to
A. criminal attitude
B. terminal disease
C. examination failure
D. forced migration
58. Which of the following cannot be easily abused?
A. Cosmetics
B. Stimulant
C. Tobacco
D. Narcotics
59. The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) was established in
A. 1993
B. 1996
C. 1999
D. 2001
60. An individual who finds it difficult to control in-take of drug is known as a drug
A. baron
B. trafficker
C. mogul
D. addict
61. The quality of a person who is more concerned about the needs, joy and happiness of others than his own is called
A. honesty
B. obedience
C. selflessness
D. punctuality
62. Which of the following is not a right attitude to work?
A. punctuality
B. discipline
C. honesty
D. disrespect
63. Citizenship can be attained through the following ways except.
A. naturalization
B. by birth
C. by registration
D. by conversion
64. Every citizen has the following duties and obligations except.
A. voting during elections
B. payment of taxes
C. obedience to laws
D. violation of other people’s right
65. When a person is upright in performing his duties, we say that he is...
A. honest
B. selfless
C. punctual
D. committed
66. HIV means...
A. human immunization virus
B. human immunodeficiency virus
C. human deficiency virus
D. human illness virus
67. HIV/AIDS can spread through the following except
A. sharing of clothes
B. sexual intercourse
C. blood product
D. sharing needles and other sharp objects.
68. The process of citizenship is which the constitution allows a non-Nigeria who lives in the country up to fifteen years to acquire Nigerian citizen after meeting some condition is?
A. citizenship by birth
B. citizenship by registration
D. citizenship by marriage
69. Which of the following is not an effect of HIV/AIDS?
A. Death
B. orphanage
C. large sums of money are being spent
D. it makes victims more productive.
70. AIDS can be cured
A. true
B. false
C. yes
D. all of the above.
71. The effect of human trafficking on the victims is
A. illiteracy
B. affluence
C. exposure
D. exploitation
72. Drug abuse can be prevented by
A. fighting drug addicts
B. poverty reduction
C. reducing drugs in circulation
D. legal action
73. A major factor responsible for human trafficking is
A. hunger
B. illiteracy
C. greed
D. joblessness
74. Cult members are particularly hostile to
A. lecturers
B. perceived enemies
C. their group members
D. all students
75. Drug law enforcement agencies in Nigeria are not empowered to
A. execute group suspects
B. arrest drug barons
C. prosecute drug traffickers
D. rehabilitate drug addicts
76. Youth empowerment promotes
A. self-reliance
B. youthful exuberance
C. pursuit of higher education
D. foreign scholarship
77. The supreme court of Nigeria helps in law
A. drafting
B. application
C. interpretation
D. enforcement
78. Democracy thrives most where there is
A. non partisan judiciary
B. freedom of speech and association
C. absence of universal suffrage
D. one party system
79. Rule of law is limited by the following except
A. state of emergence
B. heabas corpus
C. illiteracy
D. immunity
80. Preventive measures of HIV/AIDS do not include
A. abstinence
B. screening blood before transfusion
C. use of barrier methods
D. stigmatization of victims
81. The appellation for Katsina State is___
A. New World
B. State of Harmony
C. State of Hospitality
D. Centre of Unity
82. One of the reasons leaders fail to protect the interest of their followers
A. selfishness
B. inadequate finance
C. ignorance
D. rigid policies
83. Which of the following is not a form of political participation?
A. taking part of voters’ registration exercise
B. voting during election
C. joining political party
D. ballot box stuffing during election
84. Civil society groups perform the following roles during general elections except
A. educating the voters
B. serving as watch dog
C. counting votes
D. stimulating participation
85. Which of the following is not an example of civil society
A. United Action for Democracy
B. United Nations Organization
C. Transition Monitoring Group
D. Amnesty International
86. One of the major complaints against public service is
A. inefficiency
B. understaffing
C. victimization
D. discrimination
87. ___ are written agreement between two or more sovereign states
A. agreement
B. resolution
C. treaties
D. laws
88. The major cause of child labour as one of the local and civic problem is ___
A. economic growth
B. poverty
C. affluence
D. political crises
89. An example of community service which a person can perform is ___
A. helping the needy
B. burgling
C. disturbing the public peace
D. lying against people
90. A nationalist from south Africa who was jailed and set free after 27 years of imprisonment is __
A. Obafemi Awolowo
B. Kwemah Nkrumah
C. Herbert Macaulay
D. Nelson Mandela
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