ICT as a Transformation Tool

ICT as a Transformation Tool


Meaning of ICT

ICT is an acronym that stands for Information and Communication Technology.

Definition of ICT

1. ICT be defined as technologies that provide access to information through telecommunication
2. It can also be defined as the use of a diverse set of technological tools and resources to communicate, create, disseminate, store and manage information.
3. It is the combination of compatible hardware and computer-based information systems together with improved communication technologies. Information can be transmitted from one place to the other with the use of ICT. For example, sending and receiving e-mail messages, making phone calls, audio and video conferencing, sending and receiving fax messages, chatting and instant messaging etc.

Components of ICT

1. Computer hardware: This consists of the tangible parts of the computer, that is, parts we can see, touch and handle. It includes the central processing unit (CPU), memory, storage devices, input devices (keyboard, mouse, scanner, light pen, joystick etc.) and output devices (monitor, printer, projector, speaker, etc.).
2. Computer software: This is the intangible set of instructions that tells the hardware what to do. Software can be further broken down into System software and Application software.
3. Networks: These are infrastructure that allows the computers and other devices to share resources and information. Networks can be wired or wireless. Examples of computer networks include PAN, LAN, SAN, MAN, WAN, Internet, Etc.
4. Human resources and procedures: It includes people who use and develop technology, as well as the policies that govern the use of technology. Sources

Benefits of ICT

i. It is timely, better and cheaper access to knowledge and information
ii. It speeds up transactions and processes
iii. It causes human beings to interact with each other in new ways.
iv. Distances become irrelevant in business transactions and dealing
V. It also creates new jobs
vi. ICT has revolutionized healthcare by enabling telemedicine, electronic health records, and medical imaging technologies.
vii. With streaming services, online gaming, and social media, ICT has provided us with online entertainment.

Disadvantages of ICT

i. It leads to job loss
ii. Threatens other areas/fields of human endeavour. for example, criminals view it as an avenue to commit crimes of all kinds.
iii.ICT tools may not be easily affordable.
iv. Maintenance of some ICT tools or gadgets is expensive
v. Excessive use of ICT can be addictive, leading to social isolation, health problems, and other negative consequences.
vi. Reliance on ICT for information retrieval can lead to a decline in critical thinking skills.
vii. Data collected, stored and shared by ICT could easily be misused, hence, raising the concern about privacy.
viii. Improper disposal of ICT equipment can lead to environmental pollution.



  1. Replies
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  2. Replies
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