SSS 2 CRS Essay Questions

First Term Essay Questions

1a. Narrate the second creation story.
1b. In what four ways did God provide comfort for man? (WASSCE, 2003)
2a. Give an account of Joseph’s first encounter with Pharaoh.
2b. State any three qualities of his that earned him Pharaoh’s favour (WASSCE, 2008)
3a Describe how Moses responded to God’s call.
3b. State three reasons why people refuse to accept leadership roles.
4a. Give an account of the war between the Israelites and the Canaanites during the time of Deborah.
4b. In what THREE ways can Christians benefit from the leadership qualities displayed by Deborah? (WASSCE, 2005)
5a. Explain how Eli failed as a parent.
5b. Mention SIX ways Eli and the Israelites suffered as a result? (cf.WASSCE, 2006)
6a. Explain how the faith of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego was tested in Babylon.
6b. Give FOUR examples of cultural practices which are contrary to the Christian faith in your society. (WASSCE, 2007)
7a. How did David spare the life of Saul?
7b. What TWO lessons can be derived from the story?
8a. Relate the experience of Jonah as he fled from the presence of God to Tarshish.
8b. Give two moral lessons that could be learnt from his flight. (WASSCE, 2008)

Second Term Essay Questions

1a. Relate the story of Jonah as fled from God to Tarshish.
1b. What THREE lessons can be learnt from the action of the prophet?
2a. Give an account of the healing of the Syrian army commander.
2b. Mention THREE lessons that can learnt from this story.
3a. How was greed manifested in the life of Gehazi?
3b. Give three areas in the society where greed is prevalent.
4a. Explain how Solomon used his wisdom as king of Israel.
4b. What THREE lessons should leaders of today learn from Solomon’s example?
5a. Trace the circumstances which led to the famous uprising during the kingship of Rehoboam
5b. Mention TWO consequences of making bad decisions.
6a. Narrate the story of the Contest on Mount Carmel.
7b. Give TWO areas in which God shows Himself supreme in the world today.
7a. What were the unwise policies of King Solomon?
7b. Mention TWO areas in which unpopular policies affect the society today.

Third Term Essay Questions

1a. Give the first account of creation
1b. Mention THREE ways God shows himself sovereign over his creation.
2a. Narrate the dreams of Pharaoh
2b. In what THREE ways did the interpretation of the dreams affect Joseph and his people?
3a.Trace the circumstances that led to Elijah’s pronouncement of drought in Israel.
3b.What TWO lessons can be learnt from the action of Elijah?
4a. How did Josiah react to the contents of the Book of the Law found in the house of the Lord by Hilkiah?
4b. State any FOUR of Josiah’s reforms
5a. Explain how the faith of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego was tested in Babylon.
5b. Give FOUR examples of cultural practices which are contrary to the Christian faith
6a. Describe the circumstances which brought Amos face to face with Amaziah, the priest of Bethel
6b. Give TWO reasons why those who oppose God should be condemned.
7a. Mention the names of prophet Hosea’s three children.
7b. Explain the meaning of each of the names.
7c. Mention ONE way names are significant in your society.


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