SSS 2 Computer Studies Essay Exam Questions

First Term Essay Questions

1a. Define Logic circuit.
1b. Use the figure below to answer the questions i to iv

i. What is the name of the Logic gate symbol above?
ii. Identify the parts labelled A, B, and C
iii. Write out the Boolean equation.
iv. Produce the truth table
1c. Define Memory unit.
1d. In a tabular form, state two differences between;
i. Internal and external memory.
ii. RAM and ROM.
iii. Register and main memory.

2a. What is the CPU of the computer?
2b. List the two major constituents of the CPU and state at least two functions they perform each. (7 marks)

3a. State any four units of storage.
3b. Convert the following:
i. 1.44MB to Byte.
ii. 120 bit to byte.
3c. A bus has a width of 64bits and transmits1MB of data in one second. Calculate the speed of the bus in KB/s. (3 marks)

4a. What are alternative logic gates?
4b. Describe a named alternative logic gate under the following headings:
i. Definition
ii. Circuit diagram
iii. Truth table
iv. Boolean equation
4c. State two uses of Logic Circuit.

5a. What is AND gate?
5b. Draw the logic symbol for AND gate.
5c. Construct the truth table for AND gate.
5d. Write the Boolean equation for AND gate.
5e. Produce the logic diagram for the logic expression below.

6a. What are Registers?
6b. List and briefly describe four types of register.

7a. What is data conversion?
7b. Mention the stages in fetch-execute cycle.
7c List four factors that affect the speed of data transfer.

Second Term Essay Questions

1a. Figures 1 and 2 represent mass storage media. Use the figures to answer questions i to iii

i. Identify the media represented by Fig 1 and Fig ii.
ii. The transaction files of a company are to be recorded and access in the order they arrive. Which of the media is most suitable for the purpose? (2 mark)
iii. State the file access method for each medium. (2 marks)
1b. Use the diagram below to answer the questions that follow

i. Identify the parts labeled I to V
ii. List any three types of data that can be entered into cell A1
iii. What is the part labeled A to E called?
iv. What is the part labeled 1 to 7 called?
v. Write a suitable formula to find the sum of 23 and 55

2a. What is file security?
2b. List three effects of file insecurity.
2c. Explain any four file security methods.

3a. Define the following:
i. Word processing
ii. Word processor
iii. Text document
3b. List four word processors you know.
3c. Explain any five facilities available in a word processor.

4a. Describe any six operations that can be performed on a computer file.
4b. Write out the steps involved in creating a sequential file using BASIC programming.
4c. State three (3) differences between computer file and manual file.

5a. What is a computer file?
5b. State two features each of:
i. Transaction file.
ii. Reference file.
5c. What is a master file?

6a. What is file organization?
6b. Draw a simple file organization structure.
6c. Explain any three types of file organization.

7a. Define data item.
7b. List and explain the three types data item.
7c. Itemize five criteria for file classification.

Third Term Essay Questions

1a. Study figure 1 below and answer the questions that follow.

Figure 1
i. What is the general name of the application software in figure 1 above?
ii. Identify the parts labeled A – J
iii. Give four examples of the application software.
iv. State the functions of the part labelled D, B,C and I
v. Write out the step(s) involved in launching the application program in figure 1 if its icon is on the desktop.
1b. Use figure 2 below and answer the questions that follow.

i. Give a suitable name to figure 2 above.
ii. Identify the parts labeled w,x,y,z
2a. Define internet.
2b List and explain any four internet terms you know.
2c. Mention four benefits of the internet.

3a. Define system development cycle (SDC).
3b. Explain any four stages of system development life cycle.

4a. What is a program?.
4b. Briefly explain five characteristics of a good program.
4c. State four precautions in program development.

5a. Write out a program to print your name 20 times
5b. Write out the output of the program below:
i. PRINT CINT( -20.22)
ii. PRINT 50 MOD 9
iii. PRINT SGN(-20.22)
iv. PRINT EXP(0)
5c. Write out the following algebraic expressions in BASIC notations.

i. e(x+y)-sin(x+ny)

ii. -b-b2-4ac2a

iii. b=<14ac

6a. Highlight the steps involved in creating an email account.
6b. State two differences between a web address and an email address.
6c. State three advantages of an email over a conventional mail.

7a. Differentiate between flowchart and algorithm.
7b. Draw out a flowchart for the preparation of pounded yam.


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