SSS 1 Biology Essay Exam Questions

First Term Essay Questions

1a. Define biology
1b. identify and explain eight characteristics of living things
1c. What is a cell? (1mark)
1d. Explain four forms in which a cell exist

2a. Neatly draw and label a generalized animal cell
2b. State five differences between plants and animals

3 List and explain any ten cell organelles you know.
4a. Define the following terms:
i. Diffusion
ii. Osmosis
4b. Explain four factors that affect the rate of diffusion.
4c. What is the biological significance of osmosis?

5a. Explain three stages of cell growth
5b. Briefly explain excretion in cells.

6a. What is mitosis?
6b. Describe the stages involved in mitotic division of cells

7a. Draw and label any unicellular organism of your choice.
7b. State five (5) characteristics of class Mammalia.

1a. Distinguish between food chain and food web
1b. State five(5) functions of the mammalian skeleton
1c. Distinguish between autotrophic and heterotrophic mode of nutrition
2a Define the term photosynthesis and state the general equation representing photosynthesis.
b. Briefly explain light and dark reactions that occur during photosynthesis.

3a. Define carbohydrates and clearly state the general formula for carbohydrates
3b. Mention and explain the three (3) types of carbohydrates

4a. List three types of skeleton and explain them with relevant examples of organisms with such skeletons. (6marks)
4b. Mention and explain two(2) supporting tissues in plants

5a. State the first and second laws of thermodynamics
5b. Construct a terrestrial food chain with five (5) trophic levels.

6. Define the following terms;
i. ecology
ii. biome
iii. biosphere
iv. habitat
v. ecological niche

7a. Define a joint.
7b. List four moveable joint and state where each can be found in the human body.
7c. Construct a terrestrial food chain with five trophic levels

Third Term Essay Questions

1a. State the first and second laws of thermodynamics
bi. Define grassland
bii. Differentiate between estuarine and marine habitats
1c. Identify and explain two major ecological zones of the freshwater habitat

2. Clearly discuss two ways in which energy is lost in the ecosystem.

3. Outline five(5) characteristic of each of the following habitats’
i. Marshy habitat
ii. Desert

4a. Highlight five (5) beneficial effects of microorganisms to man
4b. Identify five(5) harmful effects of microorganisms to man.

5a. List five characteristics typical of a marine habitat
5b. Name five ecological zones of the marine habitat you know.

6. State five (5) roles each of the following international organizations:
i. WHO
7. List and explain five ways in which pathogenic microorganisms can be controlled.


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