JSS 2 PHE Essay Exam Questions

First Term Essay Questions

1a. What is recreation?
1b. Mention four (4) purposes of recreation.
1c. List four benefits of recreation.
1d. List ten recreational activities you know.

2a. What is posture?
2b. Explain a good walking posture.
2c. List 4 types of postural defect.

3a. Mention ten causes of postural defect.
3b. Explain any two from the ones mentioned above.

4a. What do you understand by human trafficking?
4b. List three groups of human trafficking victims.
4c. Provide 2 solutions for human trafficking.
4d. Mention four (4) implication of human trafficking.

5a. Write short note on the following terms
i. Tort ii. Negligence iii. Legal liability.
5b. Enumerate four (4) characteristics of recreation.

6ai. What is loco-motor movement?
6aii. Give four (4) examples of loco-motor movement.
6bi. What do you understand by non loco-motor movement?
6bii.Give one (1) example.
6b11.Give two (2) classification of rhythmic activities.

7a. List and explain two classification of rhythmic activities.
7b. Enumerate four factors that can influence outdoor recreation.

Second Term Essay Questions

1a. What is First Aid?
1b. Explain safety education.
1c. List three (3) safety measures of accident at home.
1d. State three (3) ways how domestic accidents can be prevented.
1e. Mention two (2) safety measures on play grounds and sports centres.
1f. Mention three (3) common causes of road accidents and how to prevent them.

2. Draw and label a standard Lawn Tennis court.

3. The following skills: Spiking, digging, are important to the game of volley ball. Mention and explain five (5) basic skills of Lawn Tennis.

4. Brest stroke is used in swimming, drop short in badminton. Mention and explain five (5) basic skills in Table Tennis. 10Marks

5. Explain briefly any of the following five (5) Lawn Tennis language or terms.
i. Let ii. Ace iii. Base line iv. Rally v. foot fault vi. deuce vii. doubles viii. seeding.

6. Outline four (4) Lawn Tennis officials and state their functions.

7a. Briefly narrate the history of Table Tennis.
7b. Briefly state the nature of Table Tennis.

Third Term Essay Questions

1. Write short note on the following
a. Noise pollution
b. Air Pollution
c. Water pollution

2a. Define school health programme
2b. Enumerate five components of school health programme

3. With three (3) examples each, differentiate between communicable and non-communicable diseases.

4. Mention five (5) diseases causing organisms of pathogens

5a. What is community health?
5b. List the two major water pollutants that you have learnt.

6. Enumerate five (5) effects of environmental pollution.

7. Differentiate between pollution and environmental pollution.


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