JSS 2 CRS Essay Questions

First Term Essay Questions

1a. Narrate the story of the birth of Jesus.
1b. State two moral lessons.
2a. Give an account of the visit of the wise men when Jesus was born.
2b. What is the significance of each of the three gifts they brought.
3a. Mention the names of Jesus sibling.
3b. List two things that were been taught in the synagogue school.
3c. Mention the names of the first four disciples of Jesus Christ.
3d. Outline five (5) ways of overcoming temptation.
4a. Discuss the baptism of Jesus Christ.
4b. State two significance of Jesus baptism.
5a. Briefly, explain the temptations of Jesus according to Matthew.
5b. State two moral lessons of Jesus temptation.
6. Outline 10 temptations in Nigeria today.
7a. What is Jesus understanding of family.
7b. Who was the forerunner of Jesus
7c. What is disciple?
7d. give two significance of the visit of the shepherd to Jesus Christ

Second Term Essay Questions

1a. ho is a disciple?
1b. Name twelve (12) disciples of Jesus Christ.
1c. Mention two demands of discipleship.
2a. What is beatus?
2b. Outline (8) eight beatitudes that you know.
3. Discuss Christians as ‘salt’ and ‘light’ of the world.
4. What does Jesus teach in the sermon on the mount about the followings:
i. Forgiveness
ii. Revenge/retaliation
iii. Fasting and prayer
iv. Love of money
v. Worrying or anxious
5. Mention five (5) significance of the sermon on the mount.
6a. Define parable.
6b. Explain the parable of sower
7. Discuss the parable of wheat and tares.

Third Term Essay Questions

1a. List twelve (12) disciples of Jesus Christ.
1b. Mention two demands of discipleship.
2a. Narrate the parable of the lost sheep.
2b. State two significance.
3. Discuss the parable of the lost coin and state two significance.
4a. Narrate the parable of the prodigal son.
4b. State two moral lessons.
5. Mention (10) ten instances that can lead to a Christian’s denial of Christ and his/her neighbours.
6a. Discuss the last supper of Jesus Christ.
6b. Narrate the trial of Jesus Christ.
7. Explain any three of the following stories:
a. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ
b. The death of Jesus Christ
c. The burial of Jesus Christ
d. The seven words of Jesus on the cross
e. The appearance of Jesus according to Matthew


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