JSS 2 Business Studies Essay Exam Questions

First Term Essay Questions

1a.What is reception office?
1b. Who is the receptionist?
1c. Write out five (5) qualities of the receptionist.
1d. List four (4) document handle by the receptionist.

2a. List four (4) duties of a receptionist.
2b. Differentiate between request form and Business card.

3a. What is Office correspondence?
3b. Write four (4) Types of Office correspondence.
3c.Explain any two (2) of the office correspondence mentioned.

4a. What is Office document?
4b. List two (2) types of office document.
4c. List two (2) Purchase document and two (2) sales document.

5a. What is Trade?
5b. List the two (2) main types of trade.
5c. List four (4) Aids to Trade.

6. List five (5) procedures of handling correspondence of the incoming mail.

7a. What is filing?
7bi. What is centralised filing?
7bii. What is departmental filing?
7c. List three (3) methods of filing.

Second Term Essay Questions

1a. Differentiate between needs and wants?
1b. List out five after sales services.
1c. Differentiate between consumer and industry.
1d. differentiate between truthfulness and transparency.

2a. What is a ledger?
2b. Draw up the classification flow of the ledger.
2c. Differentiate between person and impersonal ledger

3a. Differentiate between cash book and petty cash book.
3b. Draw up the format of a one column, two column and three column cash book.

4. List the five basic qualities of an entrepreneur.

5a. List two element of business opportunities.
5b. List 8 universal right of a consumer.

6a. What is a consumer right?
6b. List 7 responsibilities of a consumer.

7a. Explain the following:
(i) Transparency
(ii) Accountability
(iii) Probity
7b. List four attributes to transparency, accountability and probity.

Third Term Essay Questions

1a. What is cash book and list out the three types of cash book
1b. Write up a single column cashbook of doctor Isaac as at the end of the month of January 2018
1/01/2018 capital ₦50, 000
2/01/2018 sales ₦ 50,000
10/01/2018 purchases ₦30, 000
15/01/2018 sales ₦10, 000
20/01/2018 purchases ₦15, 000
25/01/2018 received from Asawa ₦10, 000
30/01/2018 paid blessed ₦10, 000
30/01/2018 paid wages and salaries ₦5, 000
You are required to prepare a single column cashbook and post all the necessary into the ledger account

2a. What is ledger
2b. Draw a flow chart of a ledger account
2c. Differentiate between personal and impersonal account
2d. Differentiate between real and nominal account
3a. What is paragraphing?
3b. List three types of paragraphing and explain one

4a. What is printer correction sign
4b. List 4 signs or symbols of a printer and their meaning/use.
4c. List 4 analysis of items of expenditure

5a. )Who is a receptionist?
5b. What is a reception office?
5c. List five qualities of a receptionist

6. Explain the following :
i. (i) Transparency
ii. (ii) Accountability
iii. (iii) Probity
(iv) Fair play

7a. What is a memorandum?
7b. Differentiate between a latter and a memorandum
7c. Differentiate between data and information


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