JSS 1 PHE Essay Exam Questions

First Term Essay Questions

1a. What is physical education?
1b. Enumerate six objectives of physical education.

2a. Mention four importance of physical education.
2b. Mention any three apparatus for physical education.
2c. Mention three examples of facilities in physical & health education.

3a. In a tabular form differentiate between equipment and supplies giving 3 examples each.
3b. What is physical fitness?
3c. Mention three examples of health related component of physical fitness.

4a. Write short note on the following:
(i) balance (ii) agility (iii) muscular power.
4b. Mention four characteristics of physical fitness.

5a. Mention five importance of physical fitness.
5b. List and explain two exercises that can develop physical fitness.
6a. What is recreation?
6b. Mention any five benefits of recreation.
6c. What is dance?)

7a. Mention six objectives of dance.)
7b. Explain one cultural dance in your locality.)

Second Term Essay Questions

1a. Athletics can be divided into two parts, list.
1b. Explain track events.
1c. Track events can be sub-divided into three (3), mention and explain.
1d. Explain sprint events.

2. List five (5) and explain any two basic skills of football.

3a. State four (4) skills of discuss.
3b. Mention four (4) facilities and equipment of Javeline.

4a. Write short note on the following
i. Rally ii. Let iii. Rotation

5. Draw and label a standard diagram of soccer/football

6. Mention 10 fundamental skills in volley ball. v
7a. Mention officials of soccer/football and their duties
7b. List the facilities and equipment of soccer/football

8a. State two (2) methods of starting races
8b. Mention five benefits of contact games
8c. Mention two (2) methods of baton exchange

Third Term Essay Questions

1a. Define pollution.
1b. Mention 6 classes of food.
1c. Identify 3 qualities of good water supply.

2a. What is first aid?
2b. Enumerate five qualities of a good aider

3a. What is a vector?
3b. Mention three (3) examples of vectors.

4. What is a catalysts?
5a. What is food and nutrition?

5b. What is food?
6. Differentiate between communicable and non- communicable disease?

7a. What is heredity?
7b. Mention five importance of food to the body.


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