JSS 1 Basic Technology Essay Exam Questions

First Term Essay Questions

1a. Define technology.
1b. State three applications of technology.
1c. List five (5) social amenities brought about by technology.
1d. List ten (10) products of technology you know.

2. Briefly discuss why everybody should study technology.
3a. What are workshop safety and guideline?
3bi. What is an accident?
3bii. Name the two types of accidents you know

4a. List six safety devices you know.
4b. List four (4) ways in which accident in the workshop are caused.
4c. What are accident prevention techniques?

5a. List the two types of fire outbreak in the workshop and briefly discuss them.
5b. List two (2) firefighting devices you know.
5c. State three (3) accident prevention techniques.

6. Differentiate between the following;
a. Hard and soft woods
b. Ferrous and non-ferrous metals
c. Thermoplastics and thermoset
d Natural and synthetic rubber.
7a. list ten (10) instruments for technical drawing.
7b. State five (5) uses of buildings.

Second Term Essay Questions

1a. List ten (10) drawing instruments and material required for a good board practice.
1b. Draw a circle of radius 3cm
1c. Draw a circle by sketching

2. Outline five (5) steps/procedures for setting drawing paper on the board

3a. List and explain the three (3) types of scale used in drawing.
3b. What is the advantage of scale drawing? (2 marks)
3c. List two (2) measuring instruments for scale drawing

4a. What is a caliper?
4b. Write the uses of the following
i. Inside caliper
ii. Outside caliper
iii. Odd-leg caliper
iv. Divider.

5a. What are driving tools?
5b. Define the following
i. Hammer
ii. Screw driver
5c. Draw a Hammer.

6a. What are boring tools?
6b. Draw and label a ratchet brace

7a. What are work holding devices?
7b. Explain the function of the following
i. Saw
ii. Jack plane
7c. What is a work bench?

Third Term Essay Questions

1a. Define the following terms:
(i) Force
(ii) Energy
(iii) Work
(iv) Power
1b. List ten (10) forms of energy (5 marks)
1c. If a student takes 20 seconds to lift up a 40kg bucket of water up a height of 12m to the head. Calculate:
(i) The force applied
(ii) The work done by the student
(iii) The power of the student (Take g=10m/s2)

2. Differentiate between the following:
2a. Conductors and insulators
2b. Kinetic energy and potential energy
2c. Direct heating method and indirect heating method
2d. Thermionic emission and photoelectric emission.

3a. Write short notes on the following:
(i) Semiconductors (ii) Resistors (iii) Capacitors (iv) Transistor.
3b. List out the electrode of a transistor.

4a. Briefly explain the following:
(i) Blue print (ii) Foundation (iii) Plan (iv) Elevation.
b. List four (4) plumbing fittings.

5a. Highlight three (3) importance of maintenance.
5b. State two (2) consequence of lack of maintenance.

6a. State and discuss the three (3) types of maintenance.
6b. State which of the three types of maintenance should be most avoided. Give one reason for your answer.

7a. Briefly explain the following terms as used in maintenance:
(i) Towing vehicle (ii) Breakdown (iii) Maintenance (iv) Overhaul (v) Alarm (vi) Predictive.
7b. List six (6) tools and materials needed in the maintenance of machine
7c. Why is water put in the radiator of a car?


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