Geography SSS 2 Essay Exam Questions

First Term Essay Questions

1a. With the aid of annotated diagram, describe the various stages of a river course
1b. Mention any four ways in which rivers are of importance to man [May/June 1999]

2a. Differentiate between the Equatorial and the tropical continental climates under the following
(a) Location
(b)Temperature characteristics
(c)rainfall distribution [May/June 1994]

3a. State Koppen’s five major climatic groups.
3b. Describe the distribution and major features of the first groups in Koppen’s classification. [May/June 1994]

4a. Outline any two differences between Greek and Kopen’s system of climatic classification [May/June 2003]
4b. State any four factors that determine the temperature of a place [May/June 2005]

5a. Distinguish between deflation and abrasion
5b. Using specific examples, describe landform produced by each of the processes in (a) above.
5c. Give any two reasons why wind erosion is more active in arid than in humid regions

6. With the aid of suitable diagrams, describe the appearance and process of formation of any three of the following landforms
(i) Rock pedestal
(ii) Depression hollow
(iii) Barchan
(iv) Inselberg
(v) Yardang

7a. Highlight the distinguishing features of the natural vegetation associated with either the cool temperate (eastern margin type) or the tropical continental climate
7b. Name the three climatic belts recognized by the Greeks

Second Term Essay Questions

1a. Explain the term settlement
1b.State three functions each of the following settlements:
i. urban,
ii. rural.
1c. Outline any three areas of interdependence between rural and urban centres. (May/June 2017)

2a. What is environmental hazards?
2b. Name any five examples of environmental hazards
2c. Highlight any three effects, causes and solutions each of any three types of environmental hazard (May/June 2004)

3a. Write short notes on any three of the following:
i. Migration
ii. Birth rate
iii. Mortality rate
iv. Over population
v. Population distribution

3b. Highlight four effects of migration on:
i. Source region
ii. Destination region (Nov/Dec 2016)

4. Write short note on any five of the following terms:
i. Homestead
ii. Hamlet
iii. Village
iv. Town
v. Conurbation
vi. Megalopolis

5a. Explain the term environmental resource
5b. Using specific example, describe any five importance of water as an environmental resource
5c. Outline any three sources of water (May/June 2006)

6a. Explain two physical and two human factors which may favour a rapid growth of population.
6b. Outline five problems that may arise from the rapid growth of population (May/June 1991)

7ai. Define the term population density (ii). The world is experiencing an ever-increasing rise in human number; explain any four reasons of meeting these problems.
7b. Outline any four advantages of migration in Africa.
c. Country Y has five regions, ABCD and E with population and land area as stated in the table below:

StateTotal Population (millionLand area (Km2)

Third Term Essay Questions

1. The data below shows the value of product cultivated in 2005.


(a) Represent the information below on a pie chart.
(b) Highlight any five methods of constructing a pie chart.

2a. Define environmental hazards.
2b. Highlight five types of environmental hazards.
2c. Explain three causes of desert encroachment

3a. Draw an outline of the earth and show the following:
(i) Equator
(ii) tropic of cancer
(iii) Antarctic Circle
3b. A football match is scheduled for 5.45pm local time on Saturday in Onitsha, Nigeria (longitude 70E). Calculate the local time football fans in Mambola, Sierra Leone (longitude 130W) can tune their radio sets for the commentary.

4a. State three functions each of the following settlements:
(i) urban
(ii) rural
4b. Outline four areas of interdependence between rural and urban centres.

5a. Define land reclamation
5b. State any three reasons why people embark on land reclamation.
5c. Enumerate any five importance of land reclamation

6a. Account for any five factors that are responsible for urbanization in Africa.
6b. Highlight five problems of urbanization.

7a. List five sources of data in GIS
7b. Highlight any five elements/components of GIS.


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