Geography SSS 1 Essay Exam Questions

First Term Essay Questions

1a. With the aid of a diagram, identify the main lines of latitude
1b. Calculate the distance between Cairo in Egypt (Lat. 100N) and Cape Town in South Africa (Lat.300S)
1c. A football match is scheduled for 5:45pm local time on Saturday in Onitsha, Nigeria (long. 70E). Calculate the local time football fans in Mambola, Sierra Leone (long. 130W) can tune their radio sets for the commentary.

2a. Describe the Solar system
2b. Outline any two characteristics each of any four planets

3a. Distinguish between local time and standard time
3b. Write an explanatory note on the following (i) Time Zone (ii) International dateline (iii) Great circles

4a. Distinguish between rotation and revolution
4b. Highlight any three effects of either rotation OR revolution

5a. Describe any three characteristics of lines of longitude.
5b. Highlight any three similarities between latitude and longitude
5c. Mention four differences between lines of latitude and longitude

6. Draw an outline of the Earth and show the following: i-Equator ii- tropic of cancer iii- Antarctic circle iv-prime meridian v- international date line
7a. Draw a well labeled diagram to show the internal structure of the earth
7b. Describe the distinguishing features of any one of the layers shown in your diagram
7c. Outline any three importance of either the atmosphere or hydrosphere to man

Second Term Essay Questions

1. Study the climatic data below and use it to answer the questions that follow.

Rainfall (mm)5070130200300350300359350250200150
Temperature (°C)212022202020202021222222

1a. Calculate (i) the total annual rainfall (ii) the mean annual temperature.
1b. Mention the pairs of weather instruments that were used to collect the data for the station?
1c. Name any five differences between weather and climate [WAEC 2004]

2a. Name the three types of rainfall
2b. With the aid of relevant diagrams, describe the formation and characteristics of any two types named in (a) above [WAEC 1999]

3a. What are sedimentary rocks?
3b. Name the three classes of sedimentary rocks according to their mode of formation
3c. Describe one of the classes of sedimentary rocks in (b) above.
3d. Outline four ways in which rocks are importance to man [WAEC 2003]

4a. What is a plateau?
4b. Describe the mode of formation of any two types of plateaux
4c. Outline four ways in which plateaux are important to man [WAEC 2007]

5a. Write an explanatory notes on the following
i. Ecological system
ii. Environmental balance
iii. Hydrological cycle
iv. Food chain
v. The cycling of matter in nature

6a. With the aid of labelled diagrams, describe the instrument used to measure rainfall
6b. Highlight any four ways how the instruments are used to obtain total annual rainfall
6c. State any two precautions to be taken in the use of the instruments [WAEC 2010]

7a. Distinguish between weather and climate
7b. Write a brief explanatory note on any two of the following
i. Environmental lapse rate
ii. Temperature inversion
iii. The distribution of the world pressure belts

Third Term Essay Questions

1a. Draw an outline map of Nigeria. On the map locate and name:
i. the Gulf of Guinea
ii. The Bight of Bonny
iii. Latitude 140N
iv. Longitude 150E
v. The Federal Capital Territory
1b. Describe the size and location of Nigeria in relation to other countries of West Africa. (WASSCE 2005).

2a. Draw an outline map of Nigeria. On the map show and name.
i. One area noted for the mining of any three of the following: crude, limestone, Columbite, iron ore
ii. One major town in any three of the areas shown in 3
a. i above.
b. Outline five ways in which crude oil contributes to the economic development of Nigeria. (WASSCE 2004)

3a. Draw a sketch map of Nigeria. On the map locate and name
i. One high land in the North East
ii. One highland area in the west.
iii. Two rivers that take their source from these highland areas.
iv. One man-made lake.
v. The Lake Chad.
3b. Highlight four ways in which highlands of Nigeria are important. (WASSCE 2007)

4a. Draw an outline map of Nigeria on the map, show and name:
i. Abuja.
ii. Three savanna vegetation belts.
4b. State four ways in which the forest vegetation of Nigeria contributes to her economy.
4c. Highlight any two problems that hinder the exploitation of forest vegetation in Nigeria. (WASSCE 2012)

5a. Define Industry.
5b. Explain any five factors that should be considered in the location of a cement factory.
5c. List any three problems facing cement factories in tropical Africa. (WASSCE 1995)

6a. On a sketch map of Nigeria, locate and name:
i. River Niger and Benue
ii. Eastern Highlands
iii. Western Uplands
iv. A confluence town
6b. Explain any four population concepts.

7a. Draw an outline of the Earth and show the following:
(i) Equator
(ii) tropic of cancer
(iii) Antarctic Circle
7b. A football match is scheduled for 5.45pm local time on Saturday in Onitsha, Nigeria (longitude 70E). Calculate the local time football fans in Mambola, Sierra Leone (longitude 130W) can tune their radio sets for the commentary. (WASSCE 2017)


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