Computer Studies JSS 2 Essay Questions

First Term Essay Questions

1a. Define the following and give two examples each;
i. Graphic software.
ii. Spreadsheet software
iii. Word processing software
iv. Database software

2a. Define an operating system.
2b. Give two examples of operating system.
2c. List five functions of the operating system.

3a. Who is a programmer?
3b. Write a program in BASIC to find the average of six numbers.

4a. What are flowcharts?
4b. In a tabular form, draw any four flowchart symbols and state their uses respectively.

5a. Define the term programming language.
5b. Give three types of programming language.
5c. List any three computer language translators you know.

6a. What is the difference between kilometer, kilogram and kilobyte.
6b. List five BASIC statements.

7. Convert the following:
i. 40 bits to byte
ii. 1.44MB to kilobyte.

Second Term Essay Questions

1a. Define graphic packages.
1b. List four examples of a graphic package.
1cd. Write out the steps involved in starting a paint program if the icon is on the desktop

2a. State four reasons for taking care of a computer.
2b. Mention six areas of misusing the computers.

3a. What is computer ethics?
3b. State five (4) security measures to be taken in the computer room.

4a. What are safety measures?
4b. List four (4) safety measures of computer environments.

5. Identify the following tools of paint program labeled A – p in the figure below.

6. Explain five general features of graphic packages.

7. Convert;
a. 2910 to binary
b. 110102 to base ten
c. 2AE16 to base 10

Third Term Essay Questions

1a. Study figure 1 below and answer the questions that follow.

Figure 1
i. What is the general name of the application software in figure 1 above?
ii. Give four examples of the application software.
iii. Identify the parts labeled A – J

2a. Define internet.
2b. Explain any five internet terms you know.
2c. List three benefits of the internet.

3a. State one difference between a fax machine and a telephone.
3b. Use figure 2 below and answer the questions that follow.

Identify the parts labeled X and Y
4a. Define ICT.
4b. List three advantages of ICT.
4c. Mention three Disadvantages of ICT.
4d. Mention four ICT gadgets you know.
5a. Highlight the steps involved in creating an email account.
5b. State five features of an internet web browser.
6. In a tabular form, draw the following paint tools and state their uses:
i. Eraser tool
ii. Fill colour tool
iii. Rectangular select tool
iv. Polygon tool
v. Ellipse tool
7a. Write out the full meaning of following:
i. CC
ii. BCC
iii. HTTP
iv. HTML
v. ISP
vi URL
vii. ABM
viii. LCD
x. ATM
7b.State two differences between a website address and an email address.
7c. Mention any three major components of ICT.


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