Computer Studies JSS 1 Essay Questions

First Term Essay Questions

1a. Write out the full meaning of the following
iii. IBM
1b. List any four early counting devices
1c. Mention four major problems with early counting devices

2. Copy and complete the table below

S/NCounting Devices Inventors
1Napier’s Bone
3Stepped Reckoner
5Charles Babbage
6John Mauchly and Presper Eckert

3. Draw a well labeled diagram of John Von Neumann machine.

4. State the contributions of Philip Emeagwali to the development of computer.

5. State the generations of computer and the technology used in them respectively.

6a. Define mechanical counting device.
6b. List two mechanical counting devices and describe any one.

7a. Define electronic counting devices.
7b. List any five (5) electronic counting devices you know.
7c. State one difference between a laptop and a desktop.

8a. Define electro-mechanical counting device.
8b. Name any three electro-mechanical counting devices and explain any one.

Second Term Essay Questions

1a. What is data processing?
1b. List the six stages involved in data processing.

2a. State the four methods of gathering data.
2b. List four things that must be taken into consideration before gathering data.

3a. Mention five devices that can be used to enter data into the computer for processing.
3b. List five devices that can be used by the computer to send out the results gathered from processing data for the user to see and use.
4a. Define computer ethics.
4b. Mention four computer room management ethics.

5a. State five computer laboratory rules and regulations.

6a. Explain five features of a computer that makes it an excellent tool for processing data.

7a. State two examples of a cooling system that can be used in the laboratory.
7b. Write out the full meaning of the following;

Third Term Essay Questions

1a. What does ICT stands for?
1b. Define ICT.
1c. State three main uses of ICT.

2a. Define Information transmission?
2b. List four ancient methods of transmitting information.
2c. List four modern methods of information transmission.

3a. What are electronic means of transmitting information. Give two examples.
3b. Explain Non Electronic means of transmitting information. Give two examples.

4. Briefly Discuss the impact of ICT in the following areas of daily activities:
a. Commerce
b. Education
c. Communication
d. Library
e. Banking

5a. Define Booting?
5b. List two types of boot.
5c. Write the steps involved in shutting down a computer system properly.


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